To get the software:

  1. Getting Started
    To register you must be an authorised Dulux store and complete and submit the registration details below.
    You also need to have a computer running Windows 7 or later (special arrangements can be made for old versions of Windows - XP or Vista)
  2. Download the software
    After your registration has been approved you will be emailed a link where you can download the software and installation instructions.
  3. Install the software
    After the download you go through a simple installation process to install the software. That's it.


Registration Details:

Country    *

Store / Customer Name  *
Address 1  *

Address 2
Suburb  *

State *

Post Code (required for Australia)

Contact Name  *

Contact Phone (Landline preferred for paint stores) *

Business Email *

Confirm Email  *

Dulux Acount Number

(If known this will speed up registration)

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